When fitted properly, Doc’s proplugs help divers equalize
Reduces “ear squeeze” caused by inability to equalize between the outer and middle ear
Helps prevent outer ear and inner ear infection, vertigo and thermal reaction
Without ear protection, 65% of scuba divers suffer from ear problems which keep them away from the sport (source: DAN)
Doc’s Proplugs can prevent swimmers ear, allowing a small amount of water in the ear canal, keeping ears warm and preventing the flushing of water in and out of the ear. Ear pain and infection are caused by cold exposure and erosion of delicate skin and wax in the ear canal.
Fascinating video blog of Les Stroud's adventures in Borneo. At 1:57 on the video, Les gives Doc's Proplugs an unsolicited endorsement, "It is making diving, for me, possible." Thanks, Les!
Proper Fit Is Key To Ensuring Maximum Comfort And Performance Of Doc's Proplugs
Proper Fit Is Key To Ensuring Maximum Comfort And Performance Of Doc's Proplugs
- Check our list of retail dealers in you area for sizing
- Ask your local ENT physician or a sports store about Doc’s Proplugs and ask to be fitted.
- Visit Doc's Proplugs online Store for a Fitting Set and Combo Pack
- For International Customers: Check our list of Int'l Distributors